Warren 1999

久しぶりに、Mark E. Warren, " What is Political?," Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 11, No. 2, 1999, pp. 207-231を読み返し中なわけです。まあ、僕は彼のようなスタイルを手本にしてきたところがあります。そのうちお会いしたい研究者の一人ですね。ANUに来てくれないかな。

While few would deny that reasoned interactions are desirable in politial life, they ought to be treated as contingent possibilities rather than definitive of the domain of politics. (217)


I am suggesting that politics is defined by our normative interests in conflict in the face of power, and the normative lean of my discussion is toward certain desirable outcomes --the democratic outcomes of adjustment, compromise, and consensus, combined, perhaps, with other democratic goods such as cultivating autonomy, civic virtues, and the like. These goods are, however, contingent possiblities of the domain rather than necessary consequences of the definition. It is a feature of political interactions that outcomes are uncertain, and that not only are the normative ends contested, but also the means of contest. (217)
