Mansbridge 1996

Jane Mansbridge, "Reconstructing Democracy," in N. J. Hirschman and C. D. Stefano eds., Revisioning the Political, Westview Press, 1996.

Revisioning The Political: Feminist Reconstructions Of Traditional Concepts In Western Political Theory (Feminist Theory and Politics)

Revisioning The Political: Feminist Reconstructions Of Traditional Concepts In Western Political Theory (Feminist Theory and Politics)

前に読んでいたが、今回は後半の強制としての権力(ないしpower over)についての議論が参考になりそうだった。「正統な権力」を位置づけるという観点は、ほぼ同じ時期に出た彼女の下記の本に所収の論文でも論じられているが、こちらはより親密な関係に焦点を当てた形で論じているところがよい。
Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political (Princeton Paperbacks)

Democracy and Difference: Contesting the Boundaries of the Political (Princeton Paperbacks)
