
 先日の社会政治研究会の報告者であった、著者のSven E. O. Hort先生から、Sven Hort, Social Policy, Welfare State, and Civil Society in Sweden: Volume 1 History, Policies, and Institutions 1884-1988, Volume 2 The Lost World of Social Democracy 1988-2015, Third Enlarged Edition, 2015, を頂きました。どうもありがとうございます!

Social Policy, Welfare State, and Civil Society in Sweden: Volume I: History, Policies, and Institutions 1884-1988

Social Policy, Welfare State, and Civil Society in Sweden: Volume I: History, Policies, and Institutions 1884-1988

Social Policy, Welfare State, and Civil Society in Sweden: Volume II: The Lost World of Social Democracy 1988-2015

Social Policy, Welfare State, and Civil Society in Sweden: Volume II: The Lost World of Social Democracy 1988-2015